Security Key is the latest feature to be added into the Facebook’s always expanding array of features. It has been introduced exclusively for two-factor authentication, which is required at the time of logging into the website. Through Security Key, the mandatory requirement of receiving a verification code via SMS will be eradicated.

Facebook’s security team announced in a blog post that the company would be supporting FIDO U2F Security Key to protect accounts from hackers. It is a physical key that has to be plugged into the computer’s USB port and to confirm login information including a password; all that is needed is to tap on it.

The team also mentioned that sending codes through SMS messages wasn’t a very reliable option since a majority of users never create phone back-up. Registering for a physical security key will be a much reliable way to enable login approvals. Although some might feel that the requirement of another physical device would be troublesome, Facebook states that the primary focus is on the security of public data and profiles from hackers and phishing attacks. The feature is only compatible with Chrome or Opera.

The security team explained on the blog:

“Security keys for Facebook logins currently only work with certain web browsers and mobile devices, so we’ll ask you to also register an additional login approval method, such as your cell phone or Code Generator. At this time we don’t support security key logins for our mobile Facebook app.”

To add your Security Key, you need to use your computer and install the latest Chrome or Opera browser version. Though the feature cannot be accessed from the mobile Facebook app, if you possess an “NFC-capable Android device with the latest version of Chrome and Google Authenticator installed” you can use the key to log in from your mobile website.

Facebook also announced the company’s newest interactive guides called Privacy Basics so that users can check out the available tools to manage and control the information they share on the social network. This time, Facebook has addressed and improved the functionality of various security and privacy related features. Privacy Basics is launched in 44 languages and offers an excellent new way to ensure your account is protected since you get to organize everything in one place and can quickly fix anything that needs your attention.

Privacy Basics will provide information about the tools, tips and useful information to enhance your privacy while using Facebook. You can sort who can see your posts, how your profile appears to others and how to secure your account. It is also possible to check Security Key, which is an immensely beneficial feature indeed because not only your account will be protected, but the U2F supporting keys will also support accounts on Google, GitHub, Dropbox and Salesforce, etc. It also ensures faster login than the previous method.

Facebook Launches “Security Key” Feature to Protect User Accounts

Security Key is the latest feature to be added into the Facebook’s always expanding array of features. It has been introduced exclusively for two-factor authentication, which is required at the time of logging into the website. Through Security Key, the mandatory requirement of receiving a verification code via SMS will be eradicated.

Facebook’s security team announced in a blog post that the company would be supporting FIDO U2F Security Key to protect accounts from hackers. It is a physical key that has to be plugged into the computer’s USB port and to confirm login information including a password; all that is needed is to tap on it.

The team also mentioned that sending codes through SMS messages wasn’t a very reliable option since a majority of users never create phone back-up. Registering for a physical security key will be a much reliable way to enable login approvals. Although some might feel that the requirement of another physical device would be troublesome, Facebook states that the primary focus is on the security of public data and profiles from hackers and phishing attacks. The feature is only compatible with Chrome or Opera.

The security team explained on the blog:

“Security keys for Facebook logins currently only work with certain web browsers and mobile devices, so we’ll ask you to also register an additional login approval method, such as your cell phone or Code Generator. At this time we don’t support security key logins for our mobile Facebook app.”

To add your Security Key, you need to use your computer and install the latest Chrome or Opera browser version. Though the feature cannot be accessed from the mobile Facebook app, if you possess an “NFC-capable Android device with the latest version of Chrome and Google Authenticator installed” you can use the key to log in from your mobile website.

Facebook also announced the company’s newest interactive guides called Privacy Basics so that users can check out the available tools to manage and control the information they share on the social network. This time, Facebook has addressed and improved the functionality of various security and privacy related features. Privacy Basics is launched in 44 languages and offers an excellent new way to ensure your account is protected since you get to organize everything in one place and can quickly fix anything that needs your attention.

Privacy Basics will provide information about the tools, tips and useful information to enhance your privacy while using Facebook. You can sort who can see your posts, how your profile appears to others and how to secure your account. It is also possible to check Security Key, which is an immensely beneficial feature indeed because not only your account will be protected, but the U2F supporting keys will also support accounts on Google, GitHub, Dropbox and Salesforce, etc. It also ensures faster login than the previous method.